A few days ago, I was searching my e-mail box, and as I receive everyday like 30 e-mails, I was deleting some, until I saw that e.l.f. has a new offer, and I was curious.
I clicked on the link, and I was exploring their website, and I was curious what products are on offer. (The offer was 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% discount at some products).
I wanted some products from them for a long time, but didn't have money, so I just waited the moment. Searching, I found that they have a discount at a product I really want. That is "e.l.f. Essentials Zit Zapper".
I wanted to try this thing, but I didn't wanted to spend money, even if I don't have them.
So, they were like 6.5 RON, and the original price was like 8.00 RON (2 euro).
So I buy two little things of those, because If they are good, then I will have one more, and if doesn't, I will make a Christmas present for someone.
Forgot to mention for what is good at:
Zap zits away with the unique blend of Salicylic Acid, Tea Tree Oil, Witch Hazel and Camphor. This special clear formula helps to fight and prevent acne, reduce redness and swelling, minimize pore size and clear skin.
DIRECTIONS Apply directly to blemishes nightly
Today I was in town paying all the things I had, searching for things, sending some letters when the mailwoman said that I have a package. I was so damn happy, that I didn't wait her to give me the package. I even opened a half of package there, but I was like: "Hey, wait until you get home!" It was a pain in the ass the waiting, not to mention, that the four days that it took the package to come, was like 4 years for me.... so imagine that part when I had the package, and I didn't arrived home yet. I was like a mad scientist free on the street.
So, I arrived home, not even undressing, I was opening the box. This time the box, was a little big, so I was wondering, what the heck did they make it so big? Maybe I have a Christmas present in there *devils eyes*.
So, I was riping that white paper that was covering the box, I saw another inscription on the box with my name and some numbers, but I like the box a lot, this will make me buy more from them. So, I was opening the box and I saw some limped paper and I was like: "O_O... " Giving away the paper, when, what to see? Another one... -.-" Removing that one again, and YAY, finally the producs Iwas awaiting for, are here. There are two of them, as I said, and I did some pictures to show you how they look.
I must say, I was wondering if I can use it on the day, and yeah, I can use it, but recomended is before I go to sleep. So, e.l.f., let's see how good are these ones, because the brushes I ordered next time, 2 are good, but the third one had dissapinted me a lot.

So, thank you e.l.f. for your cheap and good products, and for making things posible! More at: e.l.f.
~trebuie sa mentionez, ca transportul te mananca de bani, chiar daca e prin posta...
what is this thing good at? :-?
RăspundețiȘtergereand how much is the shipping? :/
@Jean : Gosh, I forgot to mention... e bun pt cosuri, pete rosii si pori... [dau imd edit cu detaliile]
RăspundețiȘtergereSi, daca il vreau acasa sa mi-l aduca costa in plus 17 RON, sau prin posta costa 9 RON...
a, 9ron, atat e taxa postala pt colete nationale si nu intra in buzunarele lor :)
RăspundețiȘtergerepe mine ma tenta sa comand pensulele, dar lina mi-a zis ca-mi cumpara ea unele :D hihi
@Jean : aaa, deci aia e taxa postala... bun de stiut... uneori, mai ofera de iti da gratis transportul la comandarea de o anumita suma...
RăspundețiȘtergereSi pensulele, am 3 dintre ele, si pot spune, doua sunt bune, chiar foarte bune, dar cealalta, m-a dezamagit total. Ma gandeam sa le prezint si pe alea...
Din cate am citit (reviews and stuff) produsele e.l.f. sunt chiar foarte ok si pretty cheap.
RăspundețiȘtergereAm comandat si eu ceva si astept sa-mi vina comanda.
Tie in cat timp ti-a sosit pachetul?
@Rinnie : Sincer, produse de machiaj nu am comandat inca, dar pensulele ce le am de la ei sunt bune. Si vorba ta, si ieftine.
RăspundețiȘtergereUh uh, mi-ar placea sa stiu ce ti-ai comandat :]]
Pai, vorba e de 2-5 zile lucratoare, eu am pus comanda sambata si azi mi-a venit.
Ahh, ok. A mea cred ca vine vineri sau luni.
RăspundețiȘtergereE secret ce mi-am luat >:]
@Rinnie : abea astept sa vad ce ti-ai luat O w O~ app, mi-am mai comandat si eu acum =)) alta tura XD
RăspundețiȘtergereWOW! I'm waiting for the review of this! I hope you'll make one :D
RăspundețiȘtergere@Lina : I will :]]
RăspundețiȘtergeresa faci un review!