Finally, the day i couldn't wait for, came: I got the K-wave magazine! I decided to buy it in December, but they said I must go to a bank, but that banc I didn't have it in town, so I gived up. And, a few days ago, a girl, called me to say how can I send them money for the magazine. I told her that I cannot send them through bank, so the only option was through the post office.
After sending me how and what to do, two days later, I went and fill that green paper, after changing three times the paper, because I make some mistakes. (xD) Completed the paper, went home, did a picture at the receipt I got, and send to K-wave. And here I am, after two days, with the magazine in my hands. I know that, when I arrived home, I danced like crazy with the magazine in my hands! Mom said that I was crazy. I kissed the poster with Big Bang for a hundred times x.x . Sorry GD, but I had to.
And, today was a great day. I took another exam, four more to go, I got the magazine, I was at my dad at hospital, and he was almost crying when he saw us, especially me, and I had fun with a friend of mine, telling stories about how he was arguing with a lot of people. He was funny, especially when talking with his girlfriend, and she was: "who who who" and he: "give me a freakin' break" and closed the phone. Yep, that's the effect I made when I am with someone (joke joke). So, in the end, I am at home, preparing for tomorrow work, and for the punish I will get for losing the bet. x.x
Some pictures:
The magazine: (for those who don't know how it look)
The two posters <3 BIG BANG! *tusesc tusesc*
A paint on the wall, I tought it was cool painted.
The flowers from where dad it is in hospital. He made me make a picture.
And here: this is how it snowed two days ago, but in two hours, everything was gone.
So, I wish everyone a nice day, everyone who has exams, good luck, and let's pray for everyone who is having hard times.
a PAIN on the wall :)))))) lol
RăspundețiȘtergereiar posterul cu big bang nu arata atat de bine, fundalul ala strica totul!
@Jean =))) ups =)))
RăspundețiȘtergereMdah, eram incantata de unul ce arata mai bine, cam pe vremea lor, cand erau si mai tari, dar e bestial si asta <3
"Finally, the day I never waited, came:" stiu eu ce vrei sa zici dar in engleza nu e bn zis :)) ar trebui: "the day i couldn't wait for came"
RăspundețiȘtergerema bucur ca ai primit revista si ca iti place :) si eu sunt foarte multumita de ea! ^^ sper ca tatal tau sa se faca bine repede! si chiar daca nu ai banca respectiva in oras ar trebui sa poti depune banii in cont prin transfer interbancar. cred ca iti va lua un mic comision, dar nu e ceva ce nu poti plati. ar trebui sa te duci la orice banca sa intrebi cum poti transfera bani intr-un cont care nu e la ei. trebuie sa se poata.
mdah, chiar ar trebui sa ma apuc iar de engleza... deja, engleza mea e stricata rau...
Ștergeremi-o place la nebunie XD nu credeam ca voi avea sanse la ea, si uite-ma, cu ea in mana xD si, o fac la posta, completez chestia aia, si depun cativa lei in plus si gata...