So, because this is my first post in 2012, I wanted something special, but didn't have ideas. But today, I was so happy because my boyfriend gave me a present, as for Christmas, but his words: "Later, than never." Hehe, I was so happy, so damn curious what was in that bag, that I wanted to open it, but I said I will do it at home.
In the end, when I saw the gift I was O o O and opened slow, taking pictures, because I wanted to rip the package =)). But, I was patient, and did it slow. So, the gift was:
How was packed the gift. <3
adidas is what he gave me, a package with two "things"(*) in it.
(*)The back of the package.
This is the perfume. It smells really nice.
(*)This is a Shower Milk. I wonder how will be on my body.
So, must say that no one could take my smile away for all day. I was too happy. I wonder tomorrow how bad will be, because tomorrow will be even harder at work. T_T I hope that he will make my day beautiful. Today was dreamy, so, I wish that everyday would be like that.
Eh, until the next blog, have a nice day, week and let's pray for more good things. See ya :]]
i think you were very glad when you wrote this post, there are lots of mistakes x]
RăspundețiȘtergeredidn't have* ideas, my boyfriend gave*, i wanted to open* it :D
it's great your day turned out better after all :)
hope you'll have a great day tomorrow too ^^
@Jean: nici nu iti dai seama ce happy sunt =)) plus ca sunt obosita, dau edit imediat :))
RăspundețiȘtergerehope so too O o O ~
aww your boyfriend is really nice ;))
RăspundețiȘtergereWow! I want a boyfriend too :))
RăspundețiȘtergereOk, not really,but is nice to receive presents <3
@Lina: you will have one soon :)) don't worry
RăspundețiȘtergereI know, it's nice 8->