

luni, 23 ianuarie 2012

The Kwave magazine!

Finally, the day i couldn't wait for, came: I got the K-wave magazine! I decided to buy it in December, but they said I must go to a bank, but that banc I didn't have it in town, so I gived up. And, a few days ago, a girl, called me to say how can I send them money for the magazine. I told her that I cannot send them through bank, so the only option was through the post office.

After sending me how and what to do, two days later, I went and fill that green paper, after changing three times the paper, because I make some mistakes. (xD) Completed the paper, went home, did a picture at the receipt I got, and send to K-wave. And here I am, after two days, with the magazine in my hands. I know that, when I arrived home, I danced like crazy with the magazine in my hands! Mom said that I was crazy. I kissed the poster with Big Bang for a hundred times x.x . Sorry GD, but I had to. 

And, today was a great day. I took another exam, four more to go, I got the magazine, I was at my dad at hospital, and he was almost crying when he saw us, especially me, and I had fun with a friend of mine, telling stories about how he was arguing with a lot of people. He was funny, especially when talking with his girlfriend, and she was: "who who who" and he: "give me a freakin' break" and closed the phone. Yep, that's the effect I made when I am with someone (joke joke). So, in the end, I am at home, preparing for tomorrow work, and for the punish I will get for losing the bet. x.x

Some pictures:

The magazine: (for those who don't know how it look)
The two posters <3 BIG BANG! *tusesc tusesc*
A paint on the wall, I tought it was cool painted.

The flowers from where dad it is in hospital. He made me make a picture.

And here: this is how it snowed two days ago, but in two hours, everything was gone.

 So, I wish everyone a nice day, everyone who has exams, good luck, and let's pray for everyone who is having hard times.

duminică, 22 ianuarie 2012

Grădina mea zoo!

De la un timp am văzut toată lumea îşi prezintă animalele lor adorate, preferate, fie ele mici, fie ele mari. Şi am zis eu de ce să nu îmi încerc norocul. Aşa că am de gând să vă fac cunoştiinţă cu o parte din animalele mele de casă, pe care le vizitez şi eu din an în Paşte.

So, let's meet them:

Faceţi cunoştiinţă cu pisica mea: Kitty! Iar aici e căţeluşa mea, Linda, în varstă de 5 ani (in 10 februarie)

Deci, cele mai noi membre ale familiei: Gălbenici (galben cu alb) si Garfield (galben).
 A doua poză: Gălbenici, răsfăţata familiei. Nu e zi să nu îl răsfeţe soră-mea.

Prima, e Lea, sora cu cele două mici, doar un pic mai mărişoară.
 A doua poză Garfield: gălagioasa familiei. E bună la operă.

Ghiciţi cine e? E Lea. Când era mai mică. Dulce nu?
1. Tigru, a fost al 4-lea, sau al 5-lea mascul în casă.
Din păcate, a dispărut de acasă, şi nu mai ştim de el nimic.
3. Pantera, este cea mai rea pisică avută. Pe lângă faptul că nu îi place să fie si alte pisici in casă, a inceput
să devină cam rea şi cu noi. Doar cu soră-mea se mai înţelege bine.

E timpul să vă prezint o parte din porumbeii noştrii: Alger (1) si Vera (3) sau amândoi (2).

Iar mai jos, vă prezint câteva din pisicile avute, dar care le-am dat sau au murit:
1 - 2 --> Blackie
3 - 10 -->  Pisoii avuţi pe parcursul anului trecut şi mămicile lor.

Ultimele 5 poze reprezintă o parte din iepuraşii avuţi anul trecut. Din păcate, au murit mulţi din ei.

Deci, asta e doar o parte din mulţimea de poze, şi animale, poze mai vechi, mai noi dar sper ca macar aceste poze să vă fi înveselit ziua cât de puţin. Tot timpul le-am zis mamei şi sorei mele, că vor avea o grădină zoo dacă o mai ţin aşa. Aşa că, vă doresc o zi superbă, şi ne mai vedem data viitoare.

sâmbătă, 21 ianuarie 2012

What a week!

Hello guys! Sorry for not blogging for a while, but here I am now.

So, because nothing interesting happened to me this period, (well, the part when my boyfriend left me), nothing is important. The exams started, at work sucks, and my life as well.

Last Sunday, I was at my first exam, at English, and because I arrived in Arad at 9 o'clock (almost), I decided to go and eat something, but nothing was opened, so we go at MC Donalds. The exam was at 12 o'clock. Then, we walked a little in town, wishing to buy things, but nothing opened, we just watched to make some ideas what to buy on the next day. Must say, that in my city snowed a lot, but there, not even a snowflake touch the ground, and it was sunny. But still, cold.

So, I am really disappointed about the MC D's, because the people that work there are a little rude with the customers, and they treat you bad. Or at least, with me. Aren't all of us people? I think that even animals have a better life than me. Anyway, next time I think I will visit Burger King, but the bad think is that isn't close, you have to go a few km's until there, and MC D's is closer. Damn you for not making one in the center.

After the exam, we go in Kaufland (me and my mom) and do a little shopping. Thank goodness it was opened. We was searching things in the big market, but fast, like, in an hour, we saw the most important things.

After finishing all the things, we arrived home, and eat something, then sleep. That was a tiring day.

Tuesday, I had another exam, and after working 8 hours, another 10 hours in Arad. Two hours waiting for the exam, wich I took, by the way, I was thinking what to do. I was in mall to buy some shoes, but dad didn't let me to go home alone -.-", so I had to go at a friend of ours to stay there until I will get my bus. I eat something, I watched City Hunter, a part of it, and until I noticed, I was already in the bus, going home. That was a tiring day. I arrived home at 11 o'clock in the night, and then sleep, because next day at 4 up. I just know, that the next day I drink coffee, some energy drinks, and Coca Cola. I was like an super-woman, but after two hours of work, a old woman, fainted near me, and I was in totally shock, so that day was one of a hell day. But, not only that day, but the whole week was a total mess/hell.

This week is over now, but there comes another one. Let's see what bad things happen to me again, because I have that luck to bring bad lucks.

Some pictures:

 Here was the part in front of my house where it snowed/ And the MC D's menu for breakfast.

 Here is a full list of what MC D's is giving until 10:00 o'clock.

 And this is me. Scary, huh? x.x

 In the park!

 Muresul. A very beautiful place.

 In Kaufland. This was so cute, that was a must to do a picture.
It cost around 30 RON

 Here was a lake, a small one, but because people destroyed it, now they are
rebuilding it. Time limit: one year. Let's see what will get out from that.

 This was made Tuesday. In front of the Mayor Hall. Beautiful, right?
Not to mention, you can see snow. It was snowing, but some of was melting already.

 In front of the Hall, people were protesting. There were like 100.

So, have a nice weekend, and let's hope for better days.