

sâmbătă, 31 decembrie 2011

Year Ends with...

Because we have like 4 hours ~ until we end this year, the year of 2011, the rabbit year, I wanted to write something nice to end with.

So, we enter in the Water Dragon Year, my year, when I hope for good things, we prepared some delicious things to end it cool and good. Mom stayed all day in the kitchen, sister also, and I just for the half of the day, because I watched the movie "Prince of Persia". But, I can say proud I did some kinds of food, and I lick all the dishes with chocolate and cream <3

So, for no more boring stuff, here are the pictures:

Of course, there are more kind of food, but this is the most important ones. I can't wait to eat the fruit salad, the mushroom salad, the boeuf salad, or the fish salad!!! Yes, we have only salad, and lot's of cockies, not to mention cakes. Made by us!

I wish all of you a Happy New Year, and let's make this year, a better year than 2011. This is the year of the Dragon, the Water Dragon, so, the Cancers, Scorpios, and the Pisces, we must have a little of luck this year. So, I must end it let's end this year with joy, with the most important person in our lives and once again: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

joi, 29 decembrie 2011

Another review - eye liner from E.L.F.

Mdah, trebuia sa fac review-ul asta de multa vreme, dar lenea si problemele personale mi-au stat in cale. La ora asta n-am chef de engleza, si asa banuiesc ca voi avea greseli si in romana, si am o lene mare...

Deci, dupa cum stiti, mi-am mai comandat acum ceva timp de la E.L.F. ceva, si acel "ceva" e Tusul de Ochi, care a fost la oferta pe acea vreme (mdah, am uitat cat) dar si acum e ieftin, asa ca fuguta la cumparat (8 lei).

Pot spune ca eram intuziasmata rau de ceea ce voi primi, lac cum arata pe site, forma si speram sa fie "marisor" dar nu exagerat, asa in mare destul, dar bomba a cazut cand am vazut cat de "enorm" a fost tusul. Si in plus, tusul nu are forma precum cei de la E.L.F. fac reclama.

Produsul pe E.L.F.

Produsul trimis de E.L.F.

Asa, ca pot spune ca am fost dezamagita de marime, dar fie. M-am bucurat sa vad faptul ca se aplica superb pe pleoape, sau cat de subtire si ce rezistenta e culoarea, sa nu mentionez ca negrul comandat e negru, nu ca celalalt al meu ce e albastru, desi trebuia sa fie negru :| . Dar sa nu o mai lungesc mult, fiindca vorba multa saracia omului, niste poze:

 Trebuie sa fac poza la cutie, nuh? Altfel nu are sens.

 Imi place cum a fost impachetat, sa nu se sparga.

 Dap dap, subtire, sper doar ca tusul sa nu se uste.

 Ignorati mana mea urata .___.

Cum ziceam, ignorati ce e urat, si vedeti ce e frumos: scrisul O w O ~
Am vrut sa nu ma mai spal pe mana.

Intr-o zi, sper, sa fac poza si cum mi-ar sta la ochi. Si poate si cu rujul primit, si cu restul de farduri, ajung si eu un clovn. Eh, anyway, sper si ma rog sa ajung si cu review-ul pentru brush-uri, dar vad ca nu apuc. Forgive me for that. Asa ca, sa aveti o saptamana frumoasa, si un revelion precum doriti. Si scuzati greselile, la ora asta se iarta tot (sper).

Santa didn't forget me!!

Such a long time since I didn't post a thing, but my life is a "little" complicated, so I must say sorry.

So, today I was sitting at home, reading for the upcoming exams, and my sister came to tell me that I got the package, Anca (Santa Jean) promised me. I was so happy, but lazy in the same time, that I didn't wanted to go take it, but mom was so enthusiastic about it, that made me to go and get the package. (yaaay >.>")

I was ready in 10 minutes (at least), and in another 10 I was at the post office (a little more and I was running).

When I saw the package, I tought that I got another package from E.L.F. . Really :))) But, it wasn't. It was from Anca.

So, arrived home, sister yelled at me "SANTA SANTA!! SANTA CAME!". I was like: "ho ho ho -.-" " I didn't even entry in my room, and my sister wanted to open the package. I opened it, and I was "waaaaa", my sister was: "OMFG!!" and mom after seeing the chocolate and the rest of them: "Why the heck didn't you put some chocolates in her package? And, they look beautiful." Yeah, mom, why? I am stupid, that's why.

So so, I received from her the best presents I ever diserved this month: a lipstick from E.L.F., a pair of gloves, a chocolate and a little but really cute greeting card.

Pictures time:

So, here is the greeting card from her!! Thank you!!

And here comes the lip stick. God, it's so cherry. I try it and has a "eatable" taste and a nice color.
The one I wanted, honestly.

 When my sister saw this said that why did I get a chocolate? :)) 
I must say, this one from Milka I didn't try it yet. I have the chance now.

 And the last ones, the biggest thing ever: the gloves. I luv theeeem!!!
They are perfect O w O ~

I must say, my sister hided the package from me, and I had to turn the room upside down to find them. She wanted the package all by herself. Selfish girl! Not to mention mom that she loved the gloves. 

So, thank you so much Anca for this wonderful gift, and I hope that next year we should do the same. Thank you, and a late Merry Christmast (because my present will also be late). And a Happy New Year!

marți, 20 decembrie 2011

Santa came!!

Habar nu am cum sa incep, asa ca voi zice asa: astazi dupa o lunga zi de munca (desi au fost doar 8 ore), au fost momente si de fericire. Se pare ca firma respectiva, s-au gandit la toti angajatii si s-au pus pe "cadorisit". Au facut pe Mosul, sa zicem asa.

Fiecare angajat a primit cate o plasa cu alimente (poze mai jos pe detaliat), iar pentru angajatii ce au copii acasa (cum ar fi tata, o are pe sora'mea, eu sunt exclusa si normal), au primit special niste pachete pentru cei mici. Cei sub 7 ani au primit niste jucarii ce canta (normal, pentru copilasi), cei intre 7 si 14 niste puzzle-uri (toate la fel, nici o grija) si cei peste pana in 18, au primit carti (doar doua feluri de carti in toata fabrica, una cu Tarzan si cealalta... poza mai jos).

Cam, ciudat, fiindca puteau sa faca un efort sa fie toate diferite... dar ce sa facem, sa zicem mersi ca si asa au dat. (dar de exemplu, o colega are trei copilasi, toti au primit puzzle ca si jucarie, si toate sunt la fel... ce fac cu celelalte doua? -.-")

Asa, anul trecut au dat pachete, dar parca au fost mai sarace, in schimb anul asta sunt pe gustul meu: ciocolata Milka, niste ciocolati Heidi, si produse "scumpe" sa zicem. Nice work NAC.

Asa, si nu mai am ce zice... .____." A da, azi a nins pentru prima oara in sezonul asta!! Dar nu s-a depus, pacat de fulgii enormi ce s-au asternut si s-au topit.

Some pictures from what I received today: (just from my package, my sister not, only the book she received)

 Joe, un cozonac, niste "Mos Craciun" de ciucalata...
 Milka, Novatini, Bomboane de pom, Heidi (un mos si un om de zapada de ciocolata)
 Felicitarea (mai jos mai mult) si sucul Tymbark de mere.
 Ca sa fie pachetul perfect, si o felicitare de la firma.
Si cartea primita... cam scary coperta X_X dar mai bine ca tarzan... aia am citit-o. Sa vedem ce se alege de ea.

Multumim firmei NAC pentru cadourile facute. Desi, stiu ca nu vor vedea postul meu.

miercuri, 14 decembrie 2011

Products from e.l.f.

 A few days ago, I was searching my e-mail box, and as I receive everyday like 30 e-mails, I was deleting some, until I saw that e.l.f. has a new offer, and I was curious.

I clicked on the link, and I was exploring their website, and I was curious what products are on offer. (The offer was 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% discount at some products).

I wanted some products from them for a long time, but didn't have money, so I just waited the moment. Searching, I found that they have a discount at a product I really want. That is "e.l.f. Essentials Zit Zapper".

 I wanted to try this thing, but I didn't wanted to spend money, even if I don't have them.

So, they were like 6.5 RON, and the original price was like 8.00 RON (2 euro).

So I buy two little things of those, because If they are good, then I will have one more, and if doesn't, I will make a Christmas present for someone.

Forgot  to mention for what is good at:
Zap zits away with the unique blend of Salicylic Acid, Tea Tree Oil, Witch Hazel and Camphor. This special clear formula helps to fight and prevent acne, reduce redness and swelling, minimize pore size and clear skin.
DIRECTIONS Apply directly to blemishes nightly

Today I was in town paying all the things I had, searching for things, sending some letters when the mailwoman said that I have a package. I was so damn happy, that I didn't wait her to give me the package. I even opened a half of package there, but I was like: "Hey, wait until you get home!" It was a pain in the ass the waiting, not to mention, that the four days that it took the package to come, was like 4 years for me.... so imagine that part when I had the package, and I didn't arrived home yet. I was like a mad scientist free on the street.

So, I arrived home, not even undressing, I was opening the box. This time the box, was a little big, so I was wondering, what the heck did they make it so big? Maybe I have a Christmas present in there *devils eyes*.

So, I was riping that white paper that was covering the box, I saw another inscription on the box with my name and some numbers, but I like the box a lot, this will make me buy more from them. So, I was opening the box and I saw some limped paper and I was like: "O_O... " Giving away the paper, when, what to see? Another one... -.-" Removing that one again, and YAY, finally the producs Iwas awaiting for, are here. There are two of them, as I said, and I did some pictures to show you how they look.

I must say, I was wondering if I can use it on the day, and yeah, I can use it, but recomended is before I go to sleep. So, e.l.f., let's see how good are these ones, because the brushes I ordered next time, 2 are good, but the third one had dissapinted me a lot.


So, thank you e.l.f. for your cheap and good products, and for making things posible! More at: e.l.f.

~trebuie sa mentionez, ca transportul te mananca de bani, chiar daca e prin posta...

sâmbătă, 10 decembrie 2011

Things I saw ~ PresenTs

Christmas is near, the preparations for the new Holiday must be done, to give everyone we love gifts/presents, beautiful ones. Sometimes is really hard for us to choose something great for them, not knowing what they love, what they wish, so we should improvise when we buy.

So, wondering a few weeks in Kaufland, I saw some wonderful ornaments for tree, but I think they are great even for giving them as a present for someone we cherish.

I must say, they are really beautiful, with some glamour on them, but they worth, even if the price is a little big for one thing. 
 Price: 22,99 RON

So, if these aren't on your like, then maybe the next thing from AVON (the most known company with products for women, and not only), will be the best gift ever. A wristwatch for your mother, sister, cousins or for a special woman. Is red, with some black design, but with a cool design in the middle: the clock is on gold, and with some "diamonds" that shines a lot, and looks great. I personally wanted the clock for me, but I ended giving it to my sister. She is wearing it everyday.

 Price: 120 RON 
At offer: 30 RON

So, if this one you didn't like it, and neither the first ones, then I think these will be on everyone taste.
As I was today in town to buy things, I was at the chinese store that we have, and I saw so many things cool, but I didn't managed to do pictures to all of them, so I managed to make a picture only to the next one.

The doll that you see down, was so cute, that I wanted to buy all of them, but I stayed and say: "Not today", but for a gift they are perfect for the phone, or at the key, just like an accessory. They are cheap, and they are great for presents. The person who will get it, will remember you for all her life.

 Price: 10 RON

Still, I managed to buy something for my phone. As I have Samsung Galaxy S, I saw a perfect cover for it, but to be "magnifique", it has attached a doll, just the one that I talked about up. A beautiful one, and it has like 20 cm's, with her hands moving and with her legs. This is perfect accessory for the phone, not to mention that the cover has hearts and some other things. When I will manage to do pictures, I will upload in another post. There were only two kinds of these, but I don't regret buying it!

Price: 12 RON

So, for today, only these ones. I want to say sorry for not sharing some presents for mens. I want to, but even I am in a problem with that, not knowing what to buy for my boyfriend. Maybe next time I will do something.

Well, have great shoppings, have some fun doing them, and show/tell me what have you bought/what you have in mind to buy for something you love/cherish.

Have a great weekend guyz!!

vineri, 9 decembrie 2011

What I want for Christmas, is...

Chiar daca mai e pana la Craciun, cam o groaza de vreme, (bine bine, nu chiar asa de mult), eu deja imi fac lista cu ce vreau eu mai mult ca si cadouri. Daca nu am parte de ele, macar sa zic ce imi doresc.

Asa, sa incep:

Un prim lucru, imi doresc enorm de mult o tableta. Cum eu sunt cu design-ul, imi doresc enorm de mult o tableta, de marime medie, ca sa pot sa avansez si eu putin in "lumea" design-ului.

Un al doilea lucru, mi-ar face placere o camera de fotografiat, ceva mai "profesional". Ador fotografia, nu doar sa o privesc, ci sa o si experimentez, sa gasesc orice lucruri interesante sa fotografiez, sa arat lumii ca exista lucruri minunate, nu doar urate.

Al treilea lucru, este sa am o pereche de casti, Beats by Dr. Dre. Castile astea sunt senzationale. De ce nu le-au putut face si ei mai ieftine, nu toti ne permitem sa dam o groaza de bani pe ele, desi se merita...?! Sunetul se aude foarte clar, claritatea muzicii e magnifica, iar pentru pasionatii de muzica, castile sunt o necesitate. As vrea enorm de mult o pereche, poate gasesc pe cineva sa imi faca cadou una.

Si cam atat cu cele mai importante, dar asa in mare, niste chestii mai mici si ieftine, ar fi: un ursulet mare de plus, niste haine noi, papuci cati de multi, niste lentile de contac si niste carcase noi pt Galaxy S-ul meu.

Deci, Mosule, care dintre cele mentionate mai sus imi aduci? (In afara de ultimele, care imi permit si eu sa mi le cumpar!)

So, what's your wish list?

sâmbătă, 3 decembrie 2011

Nivea vs Dove

 Eram putin nehotarata daca sa o fac sau nu, asa ca am ales sa o fac, imi doresc de mult sa fac putina comparatie la cele doua produse cunoscute in lumea intreaga, Nivea si Dove.

Multi stim ca cele doua produse sunt foarte bune, insa intrebarea e: care e mai buna decat care. M-am hotarat sa caut ambele website-uri, sa caut produsele si sa fac comparatie - intr-un fel sau altul, la ce ma cam intereseaza pe mine. Poate in final, sa va cer si parerea.

Am vazut atatea reclame la produsele astea de fata, de corp, de par, insa pe mine ma intereseaza produse speciale pentru fata mea. Gasisem odata produsele ideale pentru tenul meu, dar din pacate sunt prea scumpe sa le comand, asa ca intr-un viitor apropiat o voi face, asa ca pana atunci va trebui sa ma decid la un produs dintre cele doua, Nivea sau Dove.

Cautand la Nivea, am gasit destul de multe produse pentru ingrijirea tenului, si am de gand sa mentionez cateva:

   Ingrijirea tenului:
a)Crema de zi:
--ingrijire ten acneic >> NIVEA VISAGE PURE EFFECT CONTROL SHINE Cremă gel matifiantă
--ingrijire hidratanta >> Crema hidratanta de zi NIVEA VISAGE pure&natural
--ingrijire matifianta >> Cremă hidratantă matifiantă de zi pentru ten gras

Pot spune ca din cele 16 produse prezentate la crema de zi (mai multe gasiti pe site-ul lor), eu am ales asa in mare cam ce se potriveste mie mai mult, si pot spune ca ultima, mi-a cam atras atentia.

Cremă hidratantă matifiantă de zi pentru ten gras:

 Crema hidratantă matifiantă de zi pentru ten gras NIVEA VISAGE reglează eficient echilibrul tenului conferind un aspect mat zonelor grase şi hidratează zonele uscate, conferind pielii prospeţime pe parcursul întregii zile.

Textura sa delicată este uşor absorbită de piele.

Este ideal ca bază pentru machiaj.

--> crema tenteaza destul de mult, pot zice, si poate chiar saptamana viitoare o voi cumpara daca am timp, sau cel mai important, daca o gasesc (pe aici sunt rare asemenea chestii)
-->pretul din cate am vazut, e acceptabil - 24.90 ron

b) Gel / Crema de curatare 
-- curatare ten acneic >> NIVEA VISAGE PURE EFFECT THERMO Daily Deep Cleanser

-- curatare sebum >> Gel de curăţare pentru ten gras

Aici pot zice ca amandoua sunt excelente, ideale pentru un ten ca al meu. Dintre cele 6 produse prezentate, cele doua ar fi magnifice pentru mine.


Curăţarea în profunzime este primul pas pentru a obţine o piele cu adevărat curată.

NIVEA VISAGE  THERMO Daily Deep Cleanser luptă cu impurităţile, fără să deshidrateze pielea, lăsând-o vizibil curată:
- Gelul de curăţare se auto-încălzeşte imediat ce intră în contact cu pielea umedă-suficient cât să deschidă porii;
- Formula antibacteriană, îmbogăţită cu extract activ de Magnolie, pătrunde adânc în interiorul porilor şi previne formarea punctelor negre.

Non-Camedogenic: Nu astupă porii.

 Gel de curăţare pentru ten gras

 Gelul de curăţare pentru ten gras NIVEA VISAGE cu sistemul Hydro Balance conferă tenului gras o curăţare delicată si o purifiere impecabilă, fără a usca pielea, menţinând echilibrul de hidratare al pielii.

-->in concluzie, prima tenteaza, a doua mai putin... din cate am vazut a doua are pretul de 20 RON iar prima 18,80 Ron

Cam atat, nu iau la purificat cam toate produsele, si asa am lungit-o destul. Next is Dove.

Dove m-a cam dezamagit in materie de produse de fata, speram sa aiba o gama variata de produse, insa din cate am vazut pe site, nu are deloc. In afara de creme/lotiuni de corp, antiperspirante, produse pentru par si produse pentru piele (aici mai mult face referire la pielea corpului), nu mai e nimic altceva. Pacat, speram ca la Dove sa gasesc mai ceva ca la Nivea. Poate la vara cand va veni timpul, voi folosi de la Dove produsele de corp, dar altceva nimic.

Asa ca Nivea vs Dove, castigatorul este NIVEA.

Daca tot imi voi cumpara produsele, si la pretul vazut de mine, sper sa merite, daca nu, ma intorc la produsele de cel putin 50 RON pe care le zarisem acum cateva luni de la Vichy.

Sper ca nu v-am plictisit, si aveti grija de tenul vostru :]]